CL Young
in the presentation
on the aesthetics
of madness
all I want to keep
falls from my mind
wet threads pulled
from my temples
soaking into
the ground
the artist suggests
the possibility
of no longer taking
the medicine
to be alive
having only just begun
I allow this
to break the clock
I’ve built
on either side
of present tense
all the winter
a slow scab
acting strong
then bleeding out
Tyler said
to ask why
from the image
said notice when
it’s easier to imagine
than to feel
only when
it’s over
do I realize
I’ve spent all year
ready to die
it’s okay
to just be anything
in August
the gun
in your hand
or (a world
where) not
all I write
are letters
for what won’t
actually happen
room full
of smooth bald heads
bobbing around
that can be returned to
like a place
keep becoming
the self
even with
nobody watching
bush sewn
with rose hips
pearls set
into a veil
I start to really lean
into trees
alone & with others
how people
who are new to town
don’t talk to me is
I’m finally
the good kind
of invisible
how you decided
not to need
a body anymore
instead of eating
the lost flower petal
I look up
if it’s poisonous
how tired I am
of talking to you here
I imagine a tea party
at the bottom of the ocean
everyone dead chanting
pretend cups of tea raised
and not filling with sea
really dialing in solitude
like a hotline to call
when you want
to work on
dying well
instead of not
dying at all
what I have to say
is distinguishable
layers trying
to become
a song that plays
a song that plays
the erotics of paying rent
& banking
on my shields
as a way for
or any
varietal of harm
psychic or bodily
kestrel or an osprey
diving into water
when no fish comes out
I start to worry
until the thought becomes
don’t fix it
this isn’t about anything
wings flapping
keeping me in place
while I watch my friends
give birth
to babies
to books
I take tastes
of their names
find some new dust
to roll through
The Last
Unkillable Thing
all the mistakes I’ve made
we are two
She loved every year
when the forsythia
came out is a sentence
I put in my head
for the future
first shot in my arm
river not high enough
cold water
my hands
recording a bridge
half-moon shows up
bowl of dead flowers
Karena writes
let it unravel
into what’s inside
I thought
I already did
the future
a negation
to make
I believe
a beer can says
ants inside my computer
tears fall from me
someone calls the poem
beautiful & I let it be over
almost always
I care more
about a creek
than a barn
antler shed
on the hillside
definitive willow crown
wrapped around my head
I walk home
the word
I can’t remember
is left brimming
on the table
a quick snake
across the center
of a trail
the good part
of the story is now
every morning
nothing comes out of me
I start an idea anyway
convince myself
it’s a chair
a chain to follow
deep breath
all the way
to pubic bone
back flat on the ground
arms spread like waiting
for my heart to beat out
red-tailed hawk
quince blossom
dead man
stuck between my ribs
some hurts still hurt
for a reason
decide really hard to live
CL Young is a writer, artist, and intuitive currently facilitating TUNING and individual work.