A Girl on the Shore
Cleo Qian
A Girl On the Shore
After Inio Asano’s Umibe no Onnanoko
They had sex in the bedroom
They had sex on the beanbags
They had sex in the bathroom
They had sex on the floor
They put their clothes in the washer
Listened to music
Read manga
Updated their blogs
The afternoons, like this, passed
They were a little more than children
They were new to being teenagers
I guess they were fourteen years of age
They lived in a beach town
It was empty
The sand hid all the detritus
She went to his house
It was filled with detritus
Her house
Was filled with emptiness
They were teenagers
The afternoons passed
Their sex was dark
And sometimes sweet
And at the end
It went on being empty
Cleo Qian is a writer based in New York.